The Auckland Lacrosse Association (Auckland Women's Lacrosse) Annual General Meeting will be held on the 26th of August at 7:30pm at the Nixon Park Clubrooms in Kingsland.
Confirmation of Minutes of previous AGM.
Annual Report.
Treasurer’s statement.
Election of New Executive and appointment of Auditor.
Determination of Annual Membership Fee.
Notice/s of Motion.
Any other business.
If you're a current or past player, a parent, relative or simply a lacrosse fan we would love to see you at our AGM (you only need to be a financial member of the ALA.) Feedback on current performance and input into our future direction is critically important.
We would also love to involve more people in the running of Auckland Lacrosse. The roles we need to fill at the AGM are as follows:
If you would like more information about any of these roles or to find out how else you can help please get in touch via: or via anyone else on the committee or via your club rep.
Kind regards,
Jacquie Godfrey
Auckland Lacrosse Association Secretary