
Mandatory Eye Protection for Under 18 Players From 2017 Onwards

Published Mon 07 Nov 2016

In an effort to lower and reduce the risk of eye injury in high school aged girls' lacrosse, the Auckland Lacrosse Association (ALA) voted at its meeting in September 2016 to make it compulsory for Under 18 players to wear eye protection at club and representative level, effective from the 2017 season.


Beginning from January 2017, it will be mandatory for all Under 18 players selected for any ALA representative programme to wear eye protection at all trainings and games.


From the 2017-2018 club season, it will be mandatory for all Under 18 players to wear eye protection at club games.


The use of eye protection is highly recommended.


A player is Under 18 from the start of each programme or club season.


Eye protection can be purchased through Lacrosse Down Under at who have been notified of the implementation of this policy and will be prepared to meet demand.
